
Welcome to the homepage for

Patrick "Soids" Dempsey

Greetings. My name is Patrick Dempsey. Since there is a relatively famous actor by the name Patrick Dempsey, I use Dempsey, Demps, Patrick, gpdempsey, Soids, LibrarianDude and Librarian1968. Online or offline I'm mainly Dempsey or Soids. Do you want to learn more about my name? Nah I didn't think so.

"Why did you start this website?" First off, damn you're nosey! Just kidding. Every website should have a purpose, this one has two:

    • Since 1999 I've wanted to do a website dedicated to the G&L F-100 guitar. It will contain all the historical and factual information about this guitar model and eventually will be my main site.

    • Because I can.

Here are other things I can do:

(insert exciting web content here)

The last minor update occurred three hours and thrity-nine minutes after the noon sun on the third day of the fourth month in the two thousand and seventh year of what has become to be referred to as the "Common Era."